Terms of Use and Privacy Policy



SafeGround.org (Donor/Information) Privacy Policy

SafeGround.org  (SafeGround) respects the privacy of its donors.  SafeGround.org has made effective the following Donor Privacy Policy to honor and protect these rights:

SafeGround.org treats its donor list as a confidential document.  SafeGround.org will never sell, trade or share its donor list with any other organization, nor will it send out mailings from other organizations to its donors or other mail recipients. 


SafeGround.org  only collects personal information which donors have voluntarily made public or communicated directly to SafeGround.org.  Such information includes: donor’s name, address, telephone number, email address, history of charitable giving to SafeGround.org, and volunteer activity/interests with SafeGround.org, if any.  SafeGround.org will record other information (such as suggestions) only if the donor has expressly and voluntarily communicated this information to SafeGround.org.  In such cases, this information remains strictly confidential.


SafeGround.org  then keeps this information on file only for the following purposes: 1) SafeGround.org’s own volunteer and development activities, 2) direct communication with donors, and 3) IRS purposes.  SafeGround.org holds this information in a secure database with access restricted solely to a small number of authorized personnel. 


SafeGround.org collects no information on visitors to its websites unless, as noted above, the visitor makes a secure online donation via PayPal.  In such cases, the donor’s name, email, phone and address may be collected only for SafeGround.org’s own development purposes.


Anyone wishing to review, change, or remove personal information collected by SafeGround.org may feel free to write a request to SafeGround.org.


Privacy Policy

Attn: Help@SafeGround.org


Links to other websites:

This privacy policy covers http://www.SafeGround.org. Our site may link to other web sites. Please remember that we are not responsible for the content or privacy policy of any such website you may link to or visit. We encourage you to read the terms of use and privacy policies of all websites you visit.


